News Release

CIDRAP announces launch of the “The Albert Ravenholt CIDRAP Scholar”

The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota announced today that it has received a three-year grant from the Albert Victor Ravenholt Fund that will be awarded to one or more master’s or Ph.D. students from the University of Minnesota School of Public Health. Preference will be given to students focused on emerging infectious diseases and those who seek to collaborate closely with CIDRAP.

The chosen student(s) will work directly with CIDRAP’s director/ executive team and will be critical in advancing the center’s work of focusing on different public health priorities. The Scholar program supports graduate students on their journey toward their advanced degree. The program leverages CIDRAP’s public health expertise to address the research needs of graduate students who successfully complete degrees in infectious disease fields. 

The Albert Ravenholt CIDRAP Scholar serves public health students in three key ways: research opportunities, advocacy work and career development. Participants are selected by the CIDRAP Executive Team based on certain characteristics, with a preference for high-achieving students who have a strong interest in infectious diseases and public health.

“Our CIDRAP team is excited to be able to work with graduate student on their career journey, as the need for strong public health leadership is more critical than ever,” said  Michael Osterholm, University of Minnesota Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health and director of CIDRAP.

CIDRAP is pleased to announce that the Albert Ravenholt CIDRAP Scholars awardees for this year are:

  • Elise Holmes, MPP
  • Sydney Redepenning, MS 

Two absolutely amazing and deserving students, Elise and Sydney have proved through their strong work ethic and commitment that the public health future is bright in this country, said Osterholm. “We are delighted to have Elise and Sydney as our first scholars, and celebrate their accomplishments and role as upcoming leaders in the field.” 

CIDRAP continues to reach, educate, and work with graduate students to form strong future public health leaders. The U.S. needs an estimated more than 80,000 new workers to be able to provide basic public health services at the federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial government levels. 

About the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy 
CIDRAP is a global leader in addressing public health preparedness and emerging infectious disease response. Founded in 2001, CIDRAP is part of the 
Research and Innovation Office at the University of Minnesota.

Media Contacts

Brad Robideau

University Public Relations