00:00:00:17 - 00:00:03:20 Dr. Angie Hastings we're bringing dentistry to people who have 00:00:03:20 - 00:00:04:21 Dr. Angie Hastings barriers to care 00:00:05:04 - 00:00:06:00 Dr. Michael Henderson there's just not 00:00:06:00 - 00:00:07:04 Dr. Michael Henderson enough providers 00:00:07:04 - 00:00:08:02 Dr. Michael Henderson for the care 00:00:08:02 - 00:00:09:09 Dr. Michael Henderson and need that there is, 00:00:09:11 - 00:00:11:03 Dr. Angie Hastings The people that are served 00:00:11:03 - 00:00:14:12 Dr. Angie Hastings often have transportation issues or the closest 00:00:14:12 - 00:00:15:02 Dr. Angie Hastings dental clinic 00:00:15:02 - 00:00:15:14 Dr. Angie Hastings is 00:00:15:14 - 00:00:16:17 Dr. Angie Hastings 200 miles away. 00:00:16:20 - 00:00:20:21 Mitchell Hruska - Student overcoming the barrier of seeing a dentist again for the first time in a couple of years. 00:00:20:21 - 00:00:21:14 Mitchell Hruska - Student It can be 00:00:21:14 - 00:00:23:22 Mitchell Hruska - Student something as easy as the dentist being close to you, 00:00:24:00 - 00:00:26:22 Dr. Angie Hastings the mobile dental clinic is a 43 foot 00:00:26:22 - 00:00:28:07 Dr. Angie Hastings three chair dental clinic 00:00:28:07 - 00:00:33:07 Dr. Angie Hastings that is owned by U. Care, operated by the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. 00:00:33:07 - 00:00:34:03 Dr. Angie Hastings we 00:00:34:03 - 00:00:35:17 Dr. Angie Hastings custom built this so that 00:00:35:17 - 00:00:38:09 Dr. Angie Hastings we could bring dentistry to communities 00:00:38:09 - 00:00:40:06 Dr. Michael Henderson The mobile dental clinic serves 00:00:40:06 - 00:00:42:19 Dr. Michael Henderson you care health insurance plan patients, 00:00:42:19 - 00:00:43:18 Dr. Michael Henderson specific 00:00:43:18 - 00:00:44:22 Dr. Michael Henderson patients who have 00:00:44:22 - 00:00:47:04 Dr. Michael Henderson generally difficult access to care 00:00:47:08 - 00:00:50:11 Dr. Angie Hastings clinic goes to 15 different unique sites across Minnesota. 00:00:50:11 - 00:00:52:19 Dr. Angie Hastings Half are in the Minneapolis Saint Paul area. 00:00:52:19 - 00:00:55:13 Dr. Angie Hastings And then the other half are in rural areas of Minnesota. 00:00:55:13 - 00:00:57:20 Dr. Michael Henderson it's always twofold. 00:00:57:20 - 00:01:01:02 Dr. Michael Henderson What we're doing, it's patient care and it's education. 00:01:01:02 - 00:01:01:12 Dr. Angie Hastings our 00:01:01:12 - 00:01:07:11 Dr. Angie Hastings overall mission is to help all of our students apply what they're learning in school, 00:01:07:11 - 00:01:11:20 Dr. Angie Hastings into the community so that they can gain clinical experience, 00:01:11:21 - 00:01:12:19 Dr. Angie Hastings And then 00:01:12:19 - 00:01:14:05 Dr. Angie Hastings we want to see them 00:01:14:05 - 00:01:17:07 Dr. Angie Hastings thoughtfully and respectfully, engage with communities, 00:01:17:11 - 00:01:18:07 Mitchell Hruska - Student the outreach 00:01:18:07 - 00:01:21:21 Mitchell Hruska - Student experience overall provides us with a more real world view of 00:01:21:21 - 00:01:22:23 Mitchell Hruska - Student field of dentistry. 00:01:23:00 - 00:01:23:08 Mitchell Hruska - Student And it 00:01:23:08 - 00:01:29:10 Mitchell Hruska - Student brings the best of both worlds in that we feel supported on these outreach, but we also feel like we're more independent and can make a difference 00:01:29:14 - 00:01:30:17 Nancy Shraeder - Patient I think it's great. 00:01:30:17 - 00:01:33:05 Nancy Shraeder - Patient I look at it as you get cutting edge, 00:01:33:05 - 00:01:37:23 Nancy Shraeder - Patient care because they're in school and learning everything that is being taught. Now 00:01:38:06 - 00:01:43:13 Mitchell Hruska - Student dentistry is it's all about helping people. It's all about making a difference in people's lives. And 00:01:43:13 - 00:01:45:00 Mitchell Hruska - Student we're able to provide this care and 00:01:45:00 - 00:01:47:08 Mitchell Hruska - Student we're able to to bring the care to the patient.