Story Archive

Displaying 101 - 120 of 514
Research Brief

Nitrous oxide emissions from Corn Belt spike when soils freeze and thaw

Nitrous oxide is a greenhouse gas, like carbon dioxide or methane. Often overlooked in climate change discussions because it’s less abundant in the atmosphere, its potency is about 300 times greater than carbon dioxide and researchers say its warming potential, especially via agriculture, demands attention.

Research Brief

Study suggests walnuts are bridge to better health as we age

University of Minnesota School of Public Health (SPH) researchers who reviewed data from the CARDIA study, including 20 years of diet history and 30 years of physical and clinical measurements, have found participants who ate walnuts early on in life showed a greater likelihood for being more physically active, having a higher quality diet and experiencing a better heart disease risk profile as they aged into middle adulthood.

Research Brief

When and where to protect forests

Researchers at the University of Minnesota and the University of Colorado Boulder developed a mathematical model to determine what forests should be prioritized for conservation investments to protect species and reduce extinction risks.

Black woman speaking to a group
Research Brief

Perceptions of DEI within health services and policy research workplaces

University of Minnesota School of Public Health postdoctoral fellow Tongtan (Bert) Chantarat co-led a study, published in Health Services Research, that quantifies problems involving workplace climate, culture and professional discrimination experienced by researchers within the health services and policy research (HSPR) field.