Feature The technicolor world of life after glaciers As the Andean glaciers retreat, Mariana Cardenas studies how lichens pave the way for new ecosystems.
Feature Nurturing nature Grad student Lucas Rapisarda leads a program for immigrants combining nature learning with adult English language courses.
Feature Survivor elms U of M researchers are wrangling the charismatic trees’ innate ability to fend off Dutch elm disease.
Research Brief Minnesota’s invasive tansy spread impacted by land use A genomic study by U of M researchers sheds light on how common tansy has spread through the state.
Talking with U of M Talking lawn care with U of M We’re getting back into our yards and gardens, with pent-up demand following a long winter.
Talking with U of M Talking invasive buckthorn management with U of M Late fall is often an ideal time to remove invasive buckthorn species, which have spread widely across Minnesota. Buckthorn outcompetes native plants, suppresses the growth of canopy tree seedlings and reduces habitat quality for wildlife.
News Release New software shows how to maximize the benefits of investing in urban nature In the Twin Cities metro, University researchers look at how to repurpose underused golf course land