Story Archive

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A close-up image of soybean aphid next to a headshot image of Amy Morey
Talking with U of M

Talking invasive species prevention with U of M

National Invasive Species Awareness Week begins Monday, February 24. It’s a time to learn about the spread of invasive species, the potential threat they pose to our ecosystems and resources, and the work researchers are doing to find solutions.

Headshot images of Andy Erickson and Sara Heger
Expert Alert

Impact of road salt and water softeners on the environment

Whether on snowy and icy Minnesota roadways or in the water softener in your home, salt use is common in daily life. Two University of Minnesota experts are available to discuss the lasting effects of salt use on natural resources and simple ways to be smarter with salt.

Two veterinarians treat a dog.

Care for the whole family

University of Minnesota researchers and clinicians are piloting a clinic that will provide care to pets and people under one roof. 

Dominique Earland wearing glasses and white sweater smiles with arms folded in hallway

You can call people out, and you can call them in

Through the University of Minnesota's Medical Scientist Training Program, Dominique Earland (Twin Cities campus in Minneapolis) is pursuing a passion she’s had since a young age: making sure that the principles of human rights have a home in medicine and research.

Akeem Anderson in a blue hoodie sits on a bench in a long and expansive foyer area of Northrop with his hands crossed in his lap

Communities are made. They don’t just exist.

While pursuing a JD at the Law School and a PhD in American Studies through the College of Liberal Arts, Akeem Anderson, University of Minnesota Twin Cities (Minneapolis) student, has made building community for underrepresented students a priority through organizations like the University of Minnesota Black Graduate Collective.

Aliya, wearing a stethoscope and maroon scrubs, stands in a nursing practice room made to mimic a hospital setting with mannequin patients in beds.

Healthcare is for everyone

A high-school mentor and her own mother's experiences in healthcare inspired University of Minnesota Twin Cities (Minneapolis) School of Nursing student Aliya Freberg's passion for nursing, mentorship, and equity in healthcare.

Ayman Elhassan sits in front of blue couch and wall of photos of prominent Black leaders throughout history

You have it in you. You have what it takes.

University of Minnesota Twin Cities (Minneapolis) student Ayman Elhassan found his community and a sense of belonging through the National Association of Black Accountants, where he has become a leader. Now, he works to share those lessons. 

two people sitting on a couch, one comforting each other
Research Brief

Rising early adult mortality in the US

New research from the University of Minnesota shows that death rates for early adults, or adults aged 25-44, rose sharply during the COVID-19 pandemic and remain higher than expected post-pandemic.

Portrait of Silvia Balbo
Expert Alert

Links between alcohol and cancer

This month, the U.S. Surgeon General released an advisory outlining the direct link between alcohol consumption and increased cancer risk. The advisory noted that while the scientific evidence for this connection has been growing over the past four decades, fewer than half of Americans recognize alcohol as a risk factor for cancer. It also recommends including a health warning label on alcohol-containing beverages.

Jeffrey Strock, a professor at the University of Minnesota Southwest Research and Outreach Center in Lamberton, Minnesota.
Expert Alert

Dry winter's impact on Minnesota soil

Last winter was unusually warm with significantly less snow than average. Current soil moisture and snowfall data are tracking lower than they were at this time last year.

An image of Goldy Gopher from 1985

Happy Anniversary, Fierce Goldy!

Most of us have come to know Goldy Gopher, the beloved mascot of the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, as a perpetually smiling character who never shies away from a photograph. But Goldy has a complicated history, and wasn't so cuddly once upon a time.