Law and Policy

Image of LGBTQ+ pride flag
Research Brief

LGBTQ+ policies significantly reduce discrimination for transgender and nonbinary people

LGBTQ+ Americans experience widespread discrimination that impacts their physical and mental health — of the over 8% of U.S. adults who are members of the LGBTQ+ community, one in three report experiencing discrimination in the past year. Individuals who identify as transgender and nonbinary are exposed to more discrimination than their sexual minority counterparts, which is associated with worse health outcomes.

News Release

ChatGPT goes to law school

When ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot, was tasked with responding to University of Minnesota Law School questions from exams in several legal subject areas and graded blindly with a group of real student tests, it consistently achieved low but passing grades. 

Law and Policy Story Archive

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Associate Professor , Center for Science, Technology and Environmental Policy

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Law and Policy
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