Melanie Nicol
- Health
- Health conditions
- Infectious diseases
- Pharmaceutical
- Population health
- Research
- Treatments
Melanie Nicol, PharmD, Ph.D., is a clinical pharmacologist and associate professor in the College of Pharmacy at the University of Minnesota.
Nicol’s research efforts are focused on identifying factors that influence the efficacy of antivirals (and other anti-infectives) in tissue compartments. Her research lab is working to describe the penetration of drugs used to treat HIV and related infections into tissue compartments such as the genitals, brain, and lymph tissue. There is a paucity of data on the factors that modulate drug efficacy in tissue compartments, yet drug distribution to these tissues is critically important for HIV prophylaxis, suppression of viral shedding, and eradication of viral reservoirs.
Nicol’s translational lab uses a variety of research approaches, with projects spanning in vitro, ex vivo, and clinical studies. They have active studies in both Minnesota and Kampala, Uganda.