Story Archive

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Close-up image of  corn tar spot.
Research Brief

Breakthrough on tar spot pathogen enables field research

University of Minnesota researchers developed and reported processes for the first time to infect corn plants in the field with the corn tar spot pathogen, a relatively new disease threatening corn production across the United States. 

Woman with curly brown hair wearing a blue sweater holding a pen and clipboard and sitting in a chair
Research Brief

Why mental health care providers decide to practice in rural communities

Americans living in rural communities experience higher rates of depression and suicide than people who live in urban areas. These long-standing mental health inequities are attributed to a wide range of factors including affordability, accessibility and lingering stigmas around receiving care. 

White hand holding a lit cigarette
Research Brief

Only 1 in 4 rural US smokers attempted to quit during a one year period

While overall smoking rates among U.S. adults are declining, many communities remain disproportionately burdened by commercial tobacco use and the associated negative health consequences. Smoking prevalence among rural adults stood at 19.2% in 2020, compared to 14.4% for their urban counterparts. Previous research also shows rural people start smoking at younger ages and smoke more heavily than non-rural residents. 

COVID-19 test kit
Research Brief

COVID-19 deaths during core pandemic years were likely under-counted

The number of COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. may have been under-counted during the first two years of the pandemic. A new study from the University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts, Boston University and University of Pennsylvania, published in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences, shows about 1.2 million excess deaths, meaning more natural-cause deaths than would have been expected, in the pandemic’s first 30 months.