What: Two U of M legislative media events – a morning on-campus briefing with visuals and a mid-day press conference with U President Eric Kaler at the State Capitol
When: Tuesday, Jan. 13 – on-campus briefing from 9:30 to 11 a.m.; Kaler press conference from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. in St. Paul
Where: On-campus briefing in Room 312, Science Teaching and Student Services Building, East Bank, 222 Pleasant St. S.E., Minneapolis; Kaler press conference in Room 181, State Office Building, 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., St. Paul
Parking: On-campus briefing - parking for a fee in the Weisman Art Garage, 333 East River Parkway, Minneapolis; limited metered parking located off East River Rd. and Pleasant St., Minneapolis; State Office Building - meter parking is available in Lot AA, located off Rice St. and Aurora Ave. or in Ramp F, located off Rice St. and Fuller Ave., St. Paul
On-campus Briefing
University of Minnesota leaders, faculty, staff and students will provide media with a close-up look at two key aspects of the University’s 2015 biennial budget request, in particular the $65.2 million requested to freeze tuition, “Student Acccess and Affordability,” and the $34.5 million requested to improve health care for all Minnesotans, the “Healthy Minnesota” initiative.
The briefing will take place from 9:30 to 11 a.m., Tuesday, Jan. 13, in Room 312 of the Science Teaching and Student Services (STSS) Building, located on the East Bank of the Minneapolis campus, 222 Pleasant St. S.E.
Presenters available for Q&A on Student Access and Affordability include:
- Bob McMaster, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education: Working toward timely graduation, examples of how the U uses advanced technology to support teaching and learning and academic counseling – part of the high quality student experience
- Julie Selander, Director, One Stop Student Services and Veterans Services: A walk-through of student resource examples and their benefits, STSS Building
- Ryan Olson, undergraduate student, College of Liberal Arts: A student perspective on Minnesotans having access to a world-class education in their home state
Presenters available for Q&A on the Healthy Minnesota initiative include:
- Brooks Jackson, M.D., Medical School Dean and Vice President for Health Sciences: Developing inter-professional care models, providing care across Minnesota and conducting important research to find new treatments and cures
- Roli Dwivedi, M.D., Community-University Health Care Center (CUHCC), Minneapolis: Providing care to underserved communities and educating the next generation of health professionals
- Kim Tran, student, Ambulatory Care Residency Program, CUHCC, Minneapolis: Directing patient care within an inter-professional team to provide education and manage chronic disease states
- Janice Jaguszewski, Director, Health Sciences Libraries: How the proposed Minnesota Electronic Health Library (MeHL) will provide equal access statewide to a core set of clinical information resources
Kaler Press Conference at the State Capitol
University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler will provide media an overview of the University’s 2015 legislative request from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 13, in Room 181 of the State Office Building, 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., St. Paul.
The University is requesting a $127.2 million increase for its 2016-17 biennial budget, and $77 million for three capital projects.
If fully funded, the biennial budget request would enable the University to partner with the state in four key areas: Student Access and Affordability ($65.2 million for FY16-17); Facility Condition and Improvement ($15 million for FY16-17); Healthy Minnesota, to strengthen the state’s health care delivery and workforce ($34.5 million for FY16-17); and Vibrant Communities, to provide research solutions to address critical issues and prepare future leaders attuned to Minnesota industry and community needs ($9 million for FY16-17).
For more information about the University of Minnesota’s 2015 legislative request, including the three capital projects, visit govrelations.umn.edu. For more information about the U’s high quality student experience, watch the video, “Pushing for More: Graduation Rates Soar.”
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