Governess Simpson

Defeat turns to growth

In the heartbreak of rejection by her desired major, Governess Simpson found a new capacity to help others.

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Governess Simpson ’22 is majoring in industrial and systems engineering, with a minor in computer science, in the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota.

Starting points for change

“Throw yourself into every opportunity that comes your way. Every scholarship, every fellowship, every networking event, every workshop. The greatest joy comes from things tried and done.”

LEAD 1961W: Personal Leadership in the U

CSPH 1001: Holistic Health and Healing

Kappa Eta Kappa - Coed Engineering Fraternity

LEAD-UP (Leadership Education and Development)


2021 Black History Month events

Meet the people behind the story

governess simpson

Governess Simpson ’22

Industrial Systems and Engineering,College of Science and Engineering
3M diversity scholar