Infectious diseases

A man and a woman, both wearing masks, in a health care setting.

More than a mask

Abdennour Abbas and his team at a textile startup company are creating face masks engineered to kill viruses like COVID-19 as soon as they make contact with the material.

Older man receives a vaccine shot from his doctor
Talking with U of M

Talking seasonal vaccines with U of M

COVID-19 and the flu are constantly changing, and new waves can circulate and spread unexpectedly. In Minnesota, nearly three-quarters of urban residents are vaccinated against COVID-19, compared to just over half of rural residents according to previous research.

Infectious diseases Story Archive

Topic Experts

Jill Foster

Professor, Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Craig Hedberg

Professor, Division of Environmental Health Sciences

Eva Enns

Associate Professor, Division of Health Policy and Management
See All Experts